
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Are Rehearsals Enough?

    If you rehearse and practice before a big show, does this guarantee the show will be perfect? Absolutely not. As all performing musicians know, there are so many uncontrollable moments when it comes to a live show. You can’t always anticipate a drunken audience member or your band member missing an entry that they have […]

    September 19, 2022
  • How to make album cover art – Ideas & Inspiration

    Looking for tips on how to make the best album cover art? We’ve got you. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create eye-catching artwork for your album. Why is album cover art important? Album art is one of many crucial elements in cementing legendary albums in the music industry. They define how we […]

    September 16, 2022
  • How to deconstruct constructive criticism

    What did that punter mean when they said the show was good but the guitar was too loud? How do you listen and deconstruct constructive criticism and use that to improve? Criticism is the act of giving your opinion or judgment about the good or bad qualities of something or someone. Remember that criticism and music are subjective Firstly, there is no […]

    September 14, 2022
  • How to build an audience: where are my fans?

    When you are an emerging musician, it can be tricky to build an audience and know exactly who your fans are. How do you find people who will resonate with what you are creating? The answer is… there is no one answer! Identify your audience There’s no point making wild guesses about who your fans […]

    August 25, 2022
  • How to build an exemplary online presence

    What does an online presence look like? It means you are present across all online platforms that are relevant to you and your audience. To do this, you need to know who your target audiences are. Or, in other words, who you are hoping to reach and impact with your music. How do you know […]

    July 22, 2022
  • September Stories, Part 2

    Hi guys, We’re back this week with Part 2 of your September Stories. These are just some of the adventures that we’ve learned about in the past month from the 5000+ connections being made every single day on Vampr. Much like we saw with Jyoti and Deepak in Part 1 of our September Stories, Vampr […]

    October 23, 2019