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August 17, 20243 mins read

Songwriting Competitions: How to Prepare Your Entry

By Bri Clark

Songwriting competitions are an excellent way to get your music heard, gain industry recognition, and even win some impressive prizes. With so many songwriting competitions out there, there’s never been a better time to perfect your submissions and showcase your talent to the world. Here’s how you can ensure your song is ready for any competition.

1. Understand Songwriting Competitions’ Rules and Prizes

Before you even think about submitting, familiarize yourself with the rules and prizes of the songwriting competition you’re entering. Each contest has its own set of guidelines, and it’s crucial to know the specifics:

  • Prize Pool: Competitions vary widely in their prize offerings, so check what’s up for grabs. Whether it’s cash prizes, recording contracts, or industry mentorships, understanding the stakes will help you strategize your submissions.
  • Submission Fee: Many competitions require an entry fee per song. Make sure you budget accordingly.
  • Submission Purpose: Some competitions support charitable causes or music education programs. Knowing where your entry fees are going can add extra motivation.

Understanding these details will help you decide how many songs to submit and when to do so, maximizing your chances.

2. Choose Your Best Work

With prestigious panels of judges often featuring well-known artists and industry heavyweights, it’s important to select your strongest material. Consider the following when choosing your songs:

  • Originality: Does your song offer something unique? Judges are looking for fresh, innovative material that stands out.
  • Emotional Impact: How does your song connect with listeners? Songs that evoke strong emotions are often more memorable.
  • Production Quality: Even if the competition isn’t explicitly about production, a well-produced track can significantly impact the judges’ perception.

3. Polish Your Submission

Once you’ve selected your songs, it’s time to polish them:

  • Lyrics: Review your lyrics for clarity, coherence, and impact. Strong, evocative lyrics can make a lasting impression.
  • Melody and Harmony: Ensure your melody is catchy and complements the harmony. A strong melodic hook can be a game-changer.
  • Mixing and Mastering: Even if your submission is a demo, make sure it’s mixed and mastered to a high standard. Poor sound quality can detract from an otherwise great song.

4. Prepare Your Materials

Most songwriting competitions require more than just the song itself. Be prepared to submit:

  • Song Title and Description: Craft a compelling title and a short description that encapsulates the essence of your song.
  • Lyrics Sheet: Prepare a clean, well-formatted lyrics sheet to accompany your submission.
  • Bio and Contact Info: Include a concise artist bio and ensure your contact information is up to date.

5. Take Advantage of Songwriting Competitions’ Early Bird Entries

Many songwriting competitions offer early bird entry incentives, such as discounted fees or additional submissions for a lower price. This is a fantastic opportunity to increase your chances of winning without breaking the bank.

6. Submit Thoughtfully

Once everything is prepared, submit your song thoughtfully:

  • Double-Check Everything: Ensure all your materials are correct and formatted properly before submitting.
  • Submit Early: Don’t wait until the last minute. Early submissions can show you’re serious and might also give you a psychological edge.

7. Promote Your Entry

Once you’ve submitted your song, promote it! Share your entry on social media, encourage your fans to support you, and engage with the contest community.

8. Stay Informed and Connected

Follow the competition and related platforms on social media to stay updated on the contest. Engage with other participants and the music community to expand your network and gain inspiration.

Final Thoughts on Songwriting Competitions

Preparing for a songwriting contest requires careful attention to detail and a strategic approach. By following these steps, you’ll give yourself the best chance to shine among the global pool of talent.

Good luck, and may your music resonate with the judges!

Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let’s make this the year your songwriting talent gets the recognition it deserves.

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