Now you can post video, audio or image updates to all your followers – and the world

Vamps are ephemeral posts at the top of your feed. They can be anything you like – a new demo, a reflection on your day, or just a selfie! Get creative.

Send to followers

Upload or record unlimited videos, images or audio notes for your followers to enjoy. See exclusively who is watching and liking your updates.

Broadcast to everyone

In a first of its kind social feature, share your update with all active Vampr users – perfect for promoting your latest work of art*

Live Vamps

Stay tuned in the coming months for live video and audio Vamps where you will be able to broadcast in real-time to everyone online…

*Broadcast to everyone feature is available only with Vampr Pro subscription or through in-app purchase

The Vampr feed is still new but you can now control what you see more than before!

Here are our top tips to help you curate your feed experience:

Remove old connections


From now on, only people you accept a connection request from will appear in your feed.

Now is the perfect time to remove old connections with people where you’re just not feeling it.

To unfollow a person simply head to their deep profile and tap following.

New ways to discover


Swiping is so 2017! There are now multiple ways to discover new music and new people.

See who your connections are following or check out their followers.

Get lost down a rabbit hole and curate your own list of cool people to follow.

Follow more people


Don’t want to send a connection request?

You can now follow someone to stay up to date with them without sending a connection request.

Unlike connection requests, there’s no limit on how many people you can follow!

Add more artists!

We populate your feed with news articles based on your favorite artists. The more you add, the better your feed will be!

Stay up to date with music news from your favorite artists, see profile updates from accounts you follow and engage with Vampr users publicly

Followers and Following
Like what you see but not ready to connect yet? Now you can follow people on Vampr and see who’s following you – when you follow someone on Vampr you will see all their updates in the feed

Connection Requests
Now when you swipe right on someone they will receive a connection request asking if they want to connect with you – once you are connected you can send private messages between accounts

Have you seen or heard something you love on Vampr? Now you can hit the save button and add it to your very own playlist, found at the bottom of your profile

On Friday we closed our ‘Bridge to Series A’ round with ~$800,000 in the bank, and we couldn’t be more relieved or proud!

Across two Reg CF campaigns in a 12 month window, and 2000 investors no less, we have raised the maximum allowed under US law – a feat only accomplished by a small handful of companies.

Our cash runway is now secure through the remainder of 2021 and should support the company as it grows into a Default Alive position by year’s end and as we set our sights on a Series A round in Q4 21/Q1 22.

We recently published an update on traction, in the blog post 5x growth in MAUs. 1,273% growth in revenue YoY. NPS 🚀

To those of you who participated in this round, we thank you sincerely and are thrilled to welcome you aboard as partners in our fast growing enterprise. To those whose interest has been piqued, let’s chat 👋

Until the A 😉

Josh and Baz

784K raised 🤑
2000+ investors 🤯
3 hours left 😱
Don’t miss out 🚀 16K left
Invest now 👉

We did it 🥳 We hit our crowdfunding goal of $577K in just 3 months. Unbelievable 😍

For everyone who has already invested, pop the champagne tonight knowing our cash flow position is secure for quite some time 🤗

For those who missed out we’ve got some great news!

Due to overwhelming demand, with authorized additional stock we’re facilitating limited oversubscription up to $800,000.

This really is your final chance to get in on Vampr so jump to it 🚀

Closing Feb 12 ?

Thanks to everyone involved,
Josh & Baz