Today we are pleased to announce that Vampr is now offering free music distribution to all our users!

Access Free Music Distribution here!

Here’s how it works:

Regular Vampr users can now send their music to Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and all leading DSPs free of charge while keeping 80% of their royalties.

Vampr Pro members will have access to the same service but will instead keep 100% of their royalties when it comes time to cash out 💰

We expect this move to be a game changer from a user acquisition standpoint and also opens up a new stream of revenue for the company.

We can’t wait to be the proud distributor of over 1M talented rising stars – here’s to the moon ✨🚀

Distribution A&R

Rooms is our biggest innovation yet! It provides users with a whole new way to interact and network.

Chat with like minded people about the things you love the most in a modern approach to the forums of the past 😎

Available today from the App Store and Google Play Store ✌️

Today we’re incredibly excited to be launching our third equity crowdfunding round on the back of hitting a phenomenal milestone with 1 million users!

Vampr is a company largely owned by its users, with two previous successful Reg CF campaigns providing us with the means to grow the company and keep Vampr as the go-to network for musicians and creatives.

This latest campaign will offer our community the opportunity to take an ownership stake in the company and join our existing 2200+ user-investors for as little as $250. We also have 200 unique Vampr NFTs remaining for people who invest $500 or more. We’ll come back to that at the end of the blog 😉

The journey so far

When Baz and I launched our first crowdfunding campaign in 2019, we came to the public with a vision to expand our network beyond basic musician roles, and to increase the usefulness of Vampr to the broader creative community. With more than 20,000 creative skill types now listed on the platform we can comfortably say: Mission accomplished ✅

2020 saw us build on this momentum with a second crowdfunding round, and a plan to transition Vampr into a true marketplace where both the company and our users were able to make money from the inherent opportunity and value of this fast growing network. And well, the proof is in the numbers, which you can check out on the updated campaign page:

Where to from here?

It’s been a year of big wins and big multiples!

Across the metrics which matter, almost everything has doubled:

One more thing…

Animated GIF

To get your hands on one of these exclusive NFTs, head on over to the updated campaign page at and commit to an investment.

Today we officially hit 1 million users on Vampr! That’s a global community of 1 million musicians and creatives who have together:

Baz and I are both blown away and incredibly proud of these milestones – so we made a video to celebrate!

I want to thank Music Week for breaking the story, my impossibly hard working team, each and every one of our supportive shareholders, and, most importantly, our now 1 million strong Vampr community.

Here’s to the next million – Josh ✌️

We’re excited to share this morning that Vampr has been nominated for Developer of the Year at the 2021 App Developer Awards.

Winners will be announced next Thursday, July 29.

The App Developer Awards are the annual barometer for the global app development industry. The 2021 Awards will recognise success and bring to the forefront the leading app developers, agencies and in-house development teams.

This nomination marks the second award nod for the company in 2021.

We’re on a roll 🚀

Today we are delighted to share with you that Vampr has been shortlisted by Music Week for an award in Music Consumer Innovation 🎉

The competition will be fierce, going up against Amazon Music, Deezer, PIAS, Spotify and TikTok, however it’s a genuine achievement and honor to simply be named alongside these music giants 🙏

You can check out the full shortlist here:

Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on September 14, 2021 in London.

Josh ✌️