Back in January we highlighted our roadmap for the first half of the year in a post called Acquisitions and Academies. A month from now – at NOLA MusicTech conference – we’ll be delivering on those plans with the release of Vampr Academy – and believe me when I say it’s looking absolutely stunning!

Today I wanted to give you a sneak preview of our roadmap for the second half of the year.

I’m sure you’ve all heard about Web3? Today we’re excited to reveal that Vampr has plans to jump into the foray with tools that will allow our users to collaborate in the Metaverse. What does that mean? Imagine collaborating in real time with anyone around the world, cross platform and with no delay. That’s all we can say for now  🤫 This is also an area of focus to some very large companies and we’re strategically positioning ourselves as an early adopter.

The other major release for H2 will be the introduction of Vampr Marketplace. Data analysis has shown us that as many as 50% of people use Vampr to transact ie. “Let me buy one of your beats!” However the platform wasn’t built to facilitate these types of transactions in a safe manner. With Marketplace we can ensure the timely and reliable delivery of a service order while opening up a new revenue stream for the company.

Why does the roadmap matter? Because you guys are investing in the future of Vampr! It’s important to us that our investors have a say in the direction of the company and with only 2 days left to invest we felt it appropriate to share our vision with you today.

This is only the beginning, and look how far we’ve come.  The new expansion into the Metaverse is a whole new universe and I’ve never been more enthusiastic as to the potential.

I hope you’ll join us. Get on board at

This week Wefunder reached out to us to see if we’d record a 2 minute video highlighting all the incredible things we’ve been able to achieve since launching our first crowdfunding round about two and a half years ago.

Now, there’s only a few days left in our third round with Wefunder! So without further ado, let’s start the clock and see how many achievements I can get through in the next two minutes. Let’s go!

If you’re still on the fence, there’s only a few days left before we close the round! Don’t miss out – invest today at

Three quarters of a million dollars 🥳

That’s one hell of an achievement – and we thank each and every one of our 669 new investors who helped us reach this important milestone for the round 🙏

Having said that we’re still feeling bullish and we’ll be pushing hard over the next 7 days to reach our goal of $1 million – which will also unlock the prize for one lucky artist-investor to work with Anthony Kilhoffer and receive Vampr A&R support in a priceless promotional package 🔥

The round closes in one week today – don’t risk missing out and invest today by heading to

Josh & Baz

In our last post we mentioned that Vampr had just released a major update focusing on improvements to our Publishing and Pro products.

Today we’re going to break down changes to our approach on privacy and to Vampr Pro.

When we released Vampr Pro, our premium subscription service in August 2020, we promised users that no existing or adored Vampr feature would be hidden behind a paywall.

Promises made – promises kept.

Instead, we added a suite of useful new features for small businesses, such as hiding your profile’s age. For a brand or a retail store like Guitar Center, this was obviously not a relevant profile detail to highlight on their Vampr page.

At the time we believed it was appropriate to charge for this as it is a feature which would only benefit working professionals or brands who wanted to get in front of as many Vampr users as possible, and who had something to sell.

We’ve since heard from hundreds of users who disagree on the basis that privacy is not something a company should ever ask a user to pay for. Whilst we believe our initial thinking was justified when explained like this, we happen to agree wholeheartedly that any individual user on Vampr should enjoy the full suite of privacy features we have to offer, whether they are a Pro member or not.

We also wanted to make sure that any changes would have a net positive effect on MAUs and revenue.

As such, we are pleased to announce that we’ve released an update which gives every single user on the platform the ability to hide their age from their profile without losing any privileges or benefit when searching through the Vampr algorithm.

Privacy is of utmost importance to us, both us a company and as individual founders/songwriters who always valued control over our image and careers above all else. We trust you will agree that this is the right move for a proudly progressive company such as Vampr.

There are only 17 days left in our equity crowdfunding campaign and we need your help!

With an internal goal of reaching $1 Million we’ll need each of you to share our campaign page – – with your immediate network, or if you’ve been sitting on the fence until now we implore you to invest before time runs out!

Josh ✌️

What a hell of a month 🥺

Last week we were nominated for a Music Week award for the second year running, and today we learned that Vampr has been added to Fast Company’s prestigious list of the world’s Most Innovative Companies for 2022.

Being a musician is bloody hard. The industry is notorious for its gatekeepers.

And yet every day Vampr is making it easier for millions of musicians to carve out their own path and make a living from their music.

To date, over 7 million professional relationships have been brokered on Vampr, with users making an average of 2 new connections per session (comparable to Facebook). Try to imagine the impossibility of making that many connections and collabs in the days of planes, trains and automobiles – or as we say B.V. (before Vampr 😉)

In the past year we’ve nearly doubled the size of our user-base; watched as the number of messages being sent each month has grown 200%; and launched multiple revenue streams generating a Run Rate currently sitting close to half a million dollars.

And we’re just getting started…

“We’re totally thrilled and humbled to receive recognition from the likes of Fast Company and Music Week,” says Josh Simons, co-founder of Vampr. “We’re proud that our work so far is getting the recognition it deserves, and we’re committed to further radical innovation in the future.”

Fast Company honors businesses that are making the biggest impact on their industries and culture as a whole—ultimately thriving in today’s ever-changing world. Vampr is now proud to sit among those companies bringing in the future today with some of the most inspiring accomplishments of the 21st century.

Having raised $2.6M previously, Vampr is actively raising $2M in a private round as we simultaneously celebrate raising over $650K through a Reg CF campaign on Wefunder which is due to close in three weeks time on March 31.

Don’t miss out – invest today!

JAY-Z, Kid Cudi, Travis Scott, Michael Jackson, Ye. What do all these artists have in common? They were recorded by legendary mix engineer and producer Anthony Kilhoffer. And you could be next in line to have your music listened to by Anthony and even win a day in the studio with him, by simply investing the minimum $250 in our Equity Crowdfunding campaign.

Every investor in Vampr is being offered the opportunity to have their music heard by the legend, with his favorite artist being selected to head straight into the studio at the world famous Record Planet in Hollywood to make music happen. If you’ve invested in Vampr previously you’re already in the running – just send an email to with your track submission!

But there’s a catch: this opportunity will only be unlocked if we reach our internal goal of $1M. We’re already over halfway, with $650K in the bank. So let’s get to it – the round closes on March 31.

Head to to enter and invest!

Ps. Don’t forget, even if you don’t win you’re still winning, as a new owner of equity in the fastest growing social-professional network for creatives. How good is that?
