Last updated: November 17, 2020

Thank you to all of our Vampr community for your continued app feedback. It helps us continue to refine our technology to provide the most user friendly experience possible, to meet the expectations of our users.

The most common questions we receive are about Login, Discovery, Search and Messaging.

Login to Vampr

Kicking off with Login, you can access Vampr through either your Facebook account or your email address. Whether you are a returning user or brand new to Vampr, simply click the option you are most comfortable with and follow the steps to get into your account.

Vampr Navbar

Vampr uses a Navigation Bar to help users find their way around the app.

Once logged in you are taken to the Discovery tab where you will find other creatives based on your current location and taste in music.

If you want to learn more about someone, click on their photo to see their Deep Profile –  this is where you can “audition” a user by checking out their videos, tracks, photos, taste in music and read their bio.

To connect with another user simply swipe right on their photo or press the + button. To pass on a user swipe left or hit the X button. Once you have connected with another user you can message them from the Messages page, which you will always find in the top right corner of the app. More on that in a bit…

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To adjust your search results, tap the Discovery Preferences button in the top left corner of your screen and tell the app what you are looking for.

Vampr Shoutout

Vampr Tip 1: All users have a Shoutout which appears above their profile picture – kind of like a thought bubble! Your Shoutout is like your status — what do you want people to know immediately? What are you looking for?! Edit your shoutout from the Profile tab.

Editing your profile has never been easier. Click on the Profile tab from the navigation bar and make sure you are in Edit Profile mode. This is where you can add or remove your images, choose a Soundcloud track and/or point to a YouTube or Vimeo clip.

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Vampr Tip 2: Profiles with media attached attract a 75% higher engagement rate!

In Edit Profile mode you can also change all of your other details — name, age, what you do, what you listen to, your bio, your favorite genre etc.

The more favorite artists you list the more accurate our matching algorithm will be in suggesting suitable collaborative partners.

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Vampr Tip 3: You can enter a custom genre or custom skill by simply typing something original into the respective sections in Edit Profile, like in the above GIF.

Next up we have Settings which you will find on the far right of the navigation bar.

From the Settings page users can access or manage their Vampr Publishing catalogue (more on that here), purchase Vampr Pro (what’s Vampr Pro?) or fine tune any of the apps settings to suit your needs (ie. choose which notifications you want to receive). The Settings page is also where you can get in touch with our support team, logout of the app or, if you must, delete your account.

To view your messages and connections, click the Message icon at the top right of the Discovery page. When you see a number next to the icon it means you have unopened new connections or new messages.

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Vampr Tip 4: Upon making a connection, why not kick things off with one of our conversation starters? A quick and easy way to get the ball rolling on a light and friendly note 😊

You can filter your connections and conversations by skills and genre, so you never have to worry about searching through hundreds of people to find that bass player you connected with last summer!

We wanted to pack all of the features that musicians and creatives want in the simplest user experience possible. Hopefully this clears up any questions you might have had. But of course if have any additional questions, hit us up anytime at

The rest is up to you — Make Music Happen ✌️

Download Vampr today on iOS or Android

With the music industry constantly evolving on an almost daily basis, it is important to remain up to date. The same thing goes for music technology. With platforms such as Craigslist and LinkedIn appearing more Web 1.0 by the minute, an effective and up-to-date alternative has never been more necessary. That’s where we come in 🙂

One way you might describe Vampr is Craigslist meets LinkedIn meets Tinder on steroids. The possibilities are endless. You can now search for exactly what you are looking for with the click of a button. Forget about aimlessly looking through thousands of listings, or having to guess the right keyword to search for. With Vampr, find the type of collaboration you are looking for, when you are looking for it.

With the 90’s long behind us Vampr has stepped up to take advantage of the mobile technology this generation has been afforded. Using swipe technology, our process is a much more fun way to discover musical collaborators than aimlessly scrolling through lists and networks. Let’s say you’re sitting in your room and you start to think you would love to collaborate with a French singer. No problem, just search for one. You want to find someone to practice with in your city? Cool, find one that same minute.

Don’t get us wrong. Craigslist and LinkedIn are good for certain things. If I want to sell my used sofa, I’ll be sure to get on Craigslist to do so. If I’m looking for a job selling insurance and would like to build my sales network, I’ll be sure to hop on LInkedIn.

Vampr is a platform built by musicians, for musicians. Our main goal is to find you, the musical creative, the exact collaborator you would like to work with as fast as possible. No run around processes are involved. Find someone you like, message them and collaborate. We just want to see everyone Play Together ✌️

ps. remember Carpool Tunnel, the San Jose band who formed on Vampr? They’ve now used the app to find a producer (GRAMMY nominee Billy Mohler, no less!) and have shot a new video of them in the studio together:

Good news for all you Vampr folks out there who have been patiently waiting for email signup – it’s here 🤗

For those of you who enjoyed the ease-of-use and speed of our one-click Facebook login, don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere. If you choose to signup via email, you will simply have to input your information manually.

Email signup is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the future of Vampr. We have so many amazing features in the works that will absolutely blow your minds!

Any musician in the world can now join Vampr and get swiping — how exciting!

With over 450,000 connections across 166 countries, our network of musicians and creatives with which you can connect with is about to get bigger again. And the best part is that all of these changes are a result of your direct feedback.

We hope you can see that we’re always listening and open to any feedback that could potentially make Vampr a better experience. Every single support email and App Store review is received, read and taken into serious consideration.

Thanks again for helping us make the music industry a better and more open community 😊

Play Together ✌️


It’s been an incredible couple of weeks here at Vampr HQ. Our user numbers grew beyond mine and everyone else’s wildest expectations, which was capped off by being able to share the moment with the whole Vampr team, who had come together from around the world to kick off planning for V3 – we took the above photo to celebrate!

In the last 10 days alone, you guys have racked up an additional 1 Million swipes and made an insane 110,000 new connections (in just 10 days!) And at our end, we have scoped out a vision for the platform that has us truly excited, and hope will offer our community another level of service and opportunity.

But hey, it’s not all milk and honey. The large volume of new signups has brought its fair share of technical glitches. Being a small team we are working as fast as we can to squash the bugs and can only promise that if you stick with us through these growing pains you will not be disappointed.

On the subject of growing pains, we are wary of some damaging reviews in the App Store and Google Play Store, which might possibly deter some people from joining our wonderful community. There’s no way we want to see our ship sink before it gets into full sail so if you have an issue, please send it to me — I will personally respond to all reports and user issues.

And for all you Vampr lovers, if you can spare some App Store love that would be fantastic 🙂

There is a lot of genuine support for the platform and a pile of good news stories. One of the best parts of my job is just hearing about people who have met because Vampr exists. You can check some of these out with the continuing Vampr Stories monthly series, which we’ve been posting on our social media channels. This month, we featured Adrian, a producer and multi-instrumentalist from Los Angeles, who connected with Viviana, a vocalist from Miami. They’ve got plans to make a banger of a track — we can’t wait to hear it!

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To all of you who have jumped on board and helped us knock down the 20th century barriers to connecting and collaborating, a big big thanks. We look forward to continuing this journey with you ✌️️


In April we announced our first set of figures, reporting that Vampr users had swiped on each other 250,000 times and made 15,000 connections across 96 countries. We also kicked off our Vampr Stories series.

Well, in just 60 days since that blog piece, the Vampr community has exploded! We’ll let the above infographic do the talking 😎

With incredible traction comes frustrating growing pains. We are aware that there is a LOT of work to be done on the tech side of things. Our challenge is to juggle continued community growth while improving the app, fixing the bugs and speeding up our servers.

Rest assured, we’re on it. And we also have the most recent Vampr Story to share: