Over the last month we’ve been testing going live on Instagram to speak directly with our community.

These sessions have been so much fun and such a thrill getting to know some of you that we have decided to change our relationship status and make this a ‘thing’ — we’re calling it Founder Fridays!

Every Friday afternoon for the next couple of months we plan on going live on Instagram (@vamprapp) to face your questions and feedback head-on. We want to get involved in a conversation with you around what you want, what you do or don’t like and everything in between.

As our transparency grows in the coming months we are sure you will have no shortage of questions and these live AMA sessions will provide the best opportunity to communicate directly with you.

The live streams will be held between 4–6pm Pacific Time (-7 GMT) so check the timetable to see what this means in your neck of the woods. They will also be available to watch again for 24 hours following the stream.

As always, hit me up if you need anything else or have any questions 😊

Josh ✌️

Baz and I were blown away by your response to last week’s big question: should Vampr explore crowdfunding?

The answer was a resounding YES with over 500 people sending us encouragement and enthusiasm!

One quick look at this word cloud based on your responses highlights the quality of character the Vampr community attracts. Y’all are respectful, supportive and dope af — and that’s what us independent musicians need 💪🙌

Stay tuned!


One month ago Capitol Records asked us to pull off a stunt using the Vampr technology at their Capitol Royale hackathon in December.

We reached out to all Vampr users to see who could be available in LA on the day and brought in world-class producer Jan Skubiszewski to curate and run the session.

In 24 hours we wrote, recorded and shot a video for a new song called Crash with a group of people who had never met before.

The video tells the rest of the story — thanks to everyone who put their name forward and to Capitol for giving us the opportunity ✌️

Videographer: Ashton Brown
Artist: Georgia Mae
Producer: Jan Skubiszewski

Are you a true music lover? If the answer is yes, check out these beautiful destinations made for people like you. Below is a list of five cities with history’s rich in music.

  1. Vienna

Vienna is one of the best places to go for classical music and a perfect destination for music lovers. The capital of Austria is also known as the city of music. Famous composers such as Beethoven and Mozart have called this city home. Many music events are organized and held for tourists. The Mozarthaus Vienna, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s residence, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra are both must-see . Visiting Vienna at least once in your life is highly recommended!

2. Memphis

Music Cities

Memphis, Tennessee is famous for rock and roll. Many bands started off their careers here. Music lovers from all over the world visit every year. Be sure to check out Sun Studios, Graceland and Memphis Rock n’ Soul Museum on your trip. In addition to Graceland being home to Elvis, Memphis is also the place where Johnny Cash kicked off his career. There are also tons of live events held regularly for tourists to attend.

3. Tokyo


It is impossible to talk about pop and not mention Tokyo. Tokyo has an alive music scene with an even more alive nightlife. The two often collide and it is a beautiful experience. When you visit Tokyo, don’t forget to attend the Showa Kayo Night arranged in Shibuya’s Rhythm Café. Also check out World Kitchen Baobab and DJ Bar Bridge to enjoy some dinner, drinks and live music. Also, Sound Museum Vision is a venue you definitely must experience at least once. Do not sleep on Tokyo!

4. Cuba


Salsa, cha-cha, rumba, and Timba are just some of the genres Cuba is famous for. Street musicians fill Cuba with authentic music. The lively jazz clubs, music nights and concerts are frequented by locals and tourists. Check out night clubs such as Casa de la Music and Disco Turquino if you’re looking for a fun night out. If you’re a true music lover, you should be looking to check Cuba off your bucket list.

5. Pune


Pune in India attracts a large number of music lovers. It is considered the Indian hub of classical, metal and pop music. It is also home to many music schools including RDX Music Academy and the Institute of Modern Music. Every semester, people from all across the world travel to Pune to enrol.

If you love music as much as we do, take a leap of faith and visit all of these magical music destinations!

We are excited to announce a joint venture, with Emanate, a new blockchain music network.

It’s been a long time in the making and for good reason too. I’m sure you’re no stranger to the hype surrounding cryptocurrency and blockchain. And maybe you’ve heard about the volatility of these digital currencies too, with people either losing their life savings or alternatively, going to the moon and driving around in “lambos”. The truth invariably lies somewhere in between, after all this is a “frontier” technology and faces many of the same problems faced by the early days of the internet and the tech “bubble” that surrounded the explosion in digital technologies. Bad actors, unrealistic claims, lag between tech and real world infrastructure, and over-hype plagued that 80’s tech boom. But think also of the other side of that story, to those companies that harnessed the power of digital tech and created the biggest companies of today, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, to name but a few.

We believe that blockchain has the potential to solve some big problems for musicians in protecting their IP and monetising their creative endeavours outside of the centralised music system we currently have — whereby large labels and publishers hold all the power and too often stand as intermediaries between us and our audience or us and our money!

Enter Emanate. Emanate is an Australian company whose tech is built on EOS, undeniably one of the most powerful infrastructures for decentralized applications. Already Emanate is attracting significant attention, being featured in Forbes and Gizmodo and we know this is only the beginning.

Over time we believe that Emanate will make it easier for our users to see a financial reward for the time and effort that goes into their art, in the form of real-time royalty payments when their music is used or played, along with it being used as an in-app currency for Vampr users to boost their profile, unlock additional Pro features, and a suite of other cool stuff which is in the pipeline. More on that another day!

Last but not least, Emanate will also help financially support the Vampr ecosystem — as you know Vampr is free to use.

Now for the best bit, Vampr users keen to get in on the action are free to sign up at www.emanate.live to claim the first of these coins for free.

In the meantime, know that despite the lack of updates over the last couple of months we have been busy nailing this particular partnership. Because this is the one that will provide the most value to you — as a member of the world’s most engaged professional music network.

Josh and Baz