Today’s update brings with it three wonderful pieces of news for our new and prospective investors.

First up, Josh was named Founder of the Week on LAMA — a platform which hosts interviews between thought leaders and professional journalists 😎

You can watch the video interview by clicking here or download the LAMA app on iOS or Android.

Second up, we are pleased to announce that we have crossed yet another milestone in our equity crowdfunding campaign, with our 400th investor (actually 404th at time of writing) joining the company and supporting our movement 🚀

Crowditz have even co-signed the speed at which the campaign is growing with a HOT momentum rating 🔥

Finally, we are pleased to report an additional $12,000 received in Regulation D funds this week, bringing our private raise tally to $66,100 🥂

If you haven’t yet seen our campaign page, please check it out and consider an investment at


After a blockbuster debut last week our crowdfunding campaign keeps going from strength to strength.

Between the crowdfund tally and our private Reg D raise, we have today crossed the $200,000 mark 🥳

If you haven’t yet checked out our campaign page please take a look here and own a piece of our movement:

Thanks to our new investors we’re getting closer and closer to starting work on the next version of Vampr 🤗

Two of the most respected publications in music, Digital Music News and Music Ally, have published glowing write-ups about Vampr and our equity crowdfunding campaign this week and we’re absolutely chuffed ☺️

Rather than take my word for it, dive in and have a read, and if you feel so inclined please share on your socials ✌️

Digital Music News —

Music Ally —


As you may have seen earlier, Vampr went live today with our equity crowdfunding campaign.

In the first hour we crossed our minimum raise threshold of $100,000 with our 216th investor!

We also took in an additional $54,000 in Regulation D private investments.

This is an unbelievable achievement for us and a wonderful endorsement from Vampr users that they not only believe in our vision for the future of the platform but are willing to invest in us to help build their own careers.

If you haven’t seen our campaign video yet, or looked into this investment opportunity, we once again encourage you to visit the link below and invest in Vampr before we exhaust our 10% early-bird discount allocation:

💡 A few months back we let you in on something big: our plans to expand the Vampr network to include the hundreds of millions of people working in all other creative fields. Our thinking was simple. The bigger your creative network, the more value to you and every other member.

? Equity crowdfunding was the natural choice to make this happen, offering our community, those of you already invested in the platform, a chance to own a piece of it. As investors you can help shape the future of Vampr and share in its ongoing market value.

❤️ It turns out a lot of you loved that idea and as of today this is now a reality! Our campaign is now LIVE with over 200 of you already having invested close to $100,000 — and we’ve made a video showing you exactly what’s on offer:

😎 How cool is that? You can now invest in Vampr for as little as $100, helping to bring this exciting vision to life. All you need is a credit card, and a couple of spare minutes to setup an account on Wefunder.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Being part of the Vampr family, you will already be aware of the company’s achievements. With minimal prior funding we have grown Vampr well beyond our competitors — our brand has become ubiquitous in the world of music. We know how to build a “meet” platform. Now is the time to take the giant leap with us and give all creatives the same opportunities that other professionals already enjoy on platforms such as LinkedIn.

📈Check out our comprehensive campaign page on Wefunder, watch our videos, read an interview with the founders and download our financials and company deck. If you have any further questions we encourage you to ask us publicly on the campaign page and we will get back to you as soon as humanly possible!

Click here to join the Vampr family today!

See you on the other side ✌️


Over the past month we have been ridiculously busy behind the scenes in preparation for a Vampr crowdfunding campaign. It’s super exciting and we’re moving as fast as we can but we’re probably still a month or so away from launch. We can’t wait to reveal our future plans and share them with you and the rest of the Vampr community. Stay tuned…

In the lead up to launch I have been hosting our Founder Friday series every Friday night, live on Instagram. It’s been a phenomenal success with thousands of people tuning into the replay from over 60 countries! Each week I’ve interviewed different guests — I’ve strived hard to bring on folks who are incredibly accomplished in the world of music and it’s been such a thrill watching them answer your questions and seeing everyone interact in real time.

In the first week of Founder Fridays we brought you Matt Adell — he has worked as the CEO of Beatport, Vice President of Napster and CDO of Native Instruments. Matt sits on our advisory board and has helped us with Vampr since very early on. In Week 2 we brought you Anthony Kilhoffer — the 4x GRAMMY winning producer, best known for his work with Kanye West and Kid Cudi. His advice about networking and the importance of hustle really reinforces what we’ve been trying to deliver with Vampr. And finally, this week I interviewed Kevin Clobes, our very own Head of Growth. Kevin is responsible for growing Vampr from a few hundred users to half a million strong.

Keep tuning in every Friday — for the next few weeks it will just be me, you and any/all of your questions ✌️
